2016 3rd Monthly Tutorial

2016.06.12 13:00 - 19:30

  • CATEGORY: Monthly Tutorial

The 3rd Monthly Tutorial was held on June 12th at Etchujima Campus at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. 47 students participated the tutorial.

First, Professor Shibazaki, the University of Tokyo, gave out a lecture titled “Changing the World with Space Technology × GIS.” Second, Kazuo Iwano, Business Service Branch Adviser of Mitsubishi Corporation lectured “Information Technology: How we can be Relevant to Societal Impact?” and spoke about the concept of “Value of Things.” In expanding IT services, he valued on sharing the service philosophy, policy design and reasoning of the business. For better decision-making, one must continue to seek the latest information, he stated.

There are 11 projects carried out in the G-SPASE program this year. Students were separated into 3 classrooms and discussed details of their research with mentors. In the end, all the project members shared their progress gathering in one classroom.

In the end of August, the summer school would be held in Ko Pha Ngan Island of Thailand. Students are starting to prepare for the summer excursion. Towards the 4th monthly tutorial, students would revise the annual project plan and faculties would review the documents to decide the amount of budget allocated to each project.

Professor Ryosuke Shibasaki(The University of Tokyo)Kazuo Iwano(Mitsubishi Corporation)

Student Project Discussion(1)Student Project Discussion(2)

Student Project Discussion(3)