2016 4th Monthly Tutorial

2016.07.24 13:00 - 17:30

  • CATEGORY: Monthly Tutorial

The 4th Monthly Tutorial was held on July 24th at Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University. 40 students participated the tutorial.

First, Professor Yuriko Sawatani, Tokyo University of Technology Graduate School Entrepreneur Program, gave out a lecture titled “Creating Future by SSMEDAP (Service Science, Management, Engineering, Design and Public Policy).” Recently, the design focus is expanded from physical products to service systems due to the service economy. The research on designing a service system becomes more important, she explained. The scope of design becomes wider, more complex and including more interactions among various stakeholders. Because of these shifts, the new research on service system design is emerging. The talk shared why Service Science research has been initiated and how those activities are expanding.

Second, Dr. Takeshi Kurata, Group Leader of Service Sensing, Assimilation, and Modeling Research Group, Human Informatics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) lectured “Service Kaizen through Lab-forming Field and Field-forming Lab.”  Getting both “results” such as POS (Point of Sales) data and "processes" including spatial-temporal data on human behavior and environmental stimuli and constraints in an actual service field makes the field virtually tangible. Such tangibility must be a key driver not only for understanding what happened there and why it happened more comprehensively, but also for predicting what will happen to facilitate service kaizen. He mentioned virtual tangibility can be realized by technologies and methodologies that support the idea of "Lab-forming Field" and "Field-forming Lab" such as IoT (Internet of Things), WoT (Web of Things), and MR (Mixed Reality) encompassing VR (Virtual Reality), AV (Augmented Virtuality), and AR (Augmented Reality). His talk presented several case studies on service kaizen assisted by this kind of framework while introducing the technologies and methodologies they have developed and applied to actual cases.

In the G-SPASE program, we focus on “competency-based education.” We invited Fabien Roudier, K.K Senior Strategist of Institution for a Global Society to explain the competency evaluation survey and engaged students to take the survey. The first result of individual/peer evaluation is to be handed out to the students on August 24th.

There are 11 projects carried out in the G-SPASE program this year. Students were separated into 3 classrooms and discussed their research with mentors. It was the 3rd discussion held this fiscal year so the projects have become more sophisticated.

In the end of August, the summer school would be held in Ko Pha Ngan Island of Thailand. We had a final check before summer school and Dr. Wataru Ohira briefly explained about “remote sensing” which will be the theme of the summer school.

Professor Yuriko Sawatani, Tokyo University of Technology Dr. Takeshi Kurata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science

Fabien Roudier, IGS Wataru Ohira Researcher, The University of Tokyo

Lecture Q&A

Student Project Discussion