2017 5th Monthly Tutorial
2017.09.10 13:00 - 17:00
- CATEGORY: Monthly Tutorial
The 5th Monthly Tutorial was held on September 10th (SUN) at Hiyoshi campus, Keio University. The theme focused on “Will Artificial Intelligence exceed the learning of human?” 19 participants joined the tutorial.
First, Professor Atsushi Koshio of Graduate School of Project Design who also belongs to Data Artist Inc. talked on the topic “Competition or Co-creation? Beyond the Race against Machine.” He spoke about 4 levels of mounting AI (Deep Learning > Machine Learning > Expert System > Control System) , automatic copywriting and the generation of marketing message using AI. The question “Will Artificial Intelligence exceed the learning of human?” lingered throughout the lecture.
Next, Professor Taichi Furuhashi from Aoyamagakuin University gave out the lecture “State of the Map 2017 with AI and Human.” (1) TV viewer prediction with Deep Learning “SHAREST”, (2) 360 panorama photo and Mapillary, (3) AI used in Facebook and (4) using AI & machine learning to improve OpenStreetMap were several of the intriguing topics he introduced. Latest technology on AI and geospatial information were shared so participants showed excitement in the Q&A session.
After the lectures, a summary report was made for the summer school which was held at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand in August. In addition, 7 teams presented their proposal on the theme they worked in Thailand and reflected their fieldwork and workshop. Also, lecture contents such as offline maps on smartphones, historical views on Google Earth, managing and visualizing Geotagged Photos and GPS trajectories were introduced. Those who couldn’t participate in the summer school enjoyed the atmosphere and activities looking at the videos, photos and presentations.
G-SPASE program is expecting its mid-term symposium on October 13th (FRI) 13:00-17:30 at Innovation Hall, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan).
Professor Atsushi Koshio, Graduate School of Project Design 1
Professor Atsushi Koshio, Graduate School of Project Design 2
Professor Atsushi Koshio, Graduate School of Project Design 3
Professor Taichi Furuhashi, Aoyamagakuin University